Easter Chocolate - Chocolate - Does Easter Chocolate Taste Different

Why Does Easter Chocolate Taste Different?

Celebrate with Easter Chocolate 

Easter is almost upon us! While we prepare for this sweet-tasting occasion, we are excited about all the delicious Easter Chocolate possibilities that, hopefully, the Easter Bunny will be gifting us!

As the sweet anticipation mounts, one question has always plagued us: why does Easter Chocolate taste different?

Easter Chocolate is available everywhere in Canada.

As Easter chocolate appears during this time, we're consumed with seeing those tiny, colourful, shiny foil-wrapped eggs. Or those adorable-looking bunny-shaped chocolates.

Tasting these chocolates is filled with so much anticipation, and as we delve into these delectable chocolatey delights, we notice it tastes different! Is it just in our minds? Or Are we reminiscing about Easter's past, opening up those filled-to-the-brim Easter Baskets?

Is there a scientific explanation for this chocolate mystery?

As food scientist Bernard Lahousse explains, those small little easter chocolate eggs taste different because it’s a smaller piece of chocolate. The smaller the chocolate is, the sooner the outer layer will melt, enhancing the aromatic scent of the chocolate. Therefore, the scent becomes much more appealing when you consider how scent interacts with the olfactory (smell) receptors in our brains.

The scent hits our brains quite quickly and basically tricks us into feeling satisfied in our hunger and cravings.

He also explains that it's not simply the scent that changes the flavour. It's all the components that makeup chocolate. Chocolate contains fat, and with its unique texture, it melts with our body temperature. Ultimately providing that delectable, velvety texture and rich flavour that chocolate is famous for!

Is Easter Chocolate Better?

Suppose you're lucky enough to have eaten the top of a chocolate bunny's ear or unwrapped a copious amount of chocolate eggs, we can assume there's an element of excitement that perhaps your everyday chocolate bar wouldn't incite.

Maybe all the mood-boosting elements of chocolate induce our happy memories, so we associate that with our Easter chocolate, and in turn, it just tastes better!

Chocolate is the "Food of the Gods"

Whatever the case may be, we'll happily eat our Easter chocolate as we deliciously ponder this question. We might need to eat some more chocolate to test this theory further -- in the name of science!

Easter or not, we have our own theory about chocolate. It's one of the closest things to perfection we could ever taste -- the possibilities are endless.

The shapes, flavours and sizes of chocolate will induce the heaven-sent chocolatey bliss we crave. After all, they don't call it the "food of the gods" for nothing!

As you embark on this joyous Easter occasion and prepare to indulge in all that chocolate, let us know what you think. Does your Easter Chocolate really taste different?

Check out all the Easter Candy

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