We Love Canadian Candy, eh!
At Candy Funhouse, we love our American friends and we love their candy, but we must admit, we love our Canadian candy more!
Canadian Candy has a special place in our hearts, and a sweet taste in our mouths! Where else could you find chocolate covered Turkish delight, purple gum that tastes like soap, and the real "Smarties"? Canada gives "home sweet home" its true meaning.
Here is our top ten list of must-have Canadian Candies.
1. Mackintosh Toffee
Its history is long and delicious. Canadians have been indulging since 1890, making Mackintosh Toffee one of our favourite Old Fashioned Canadian candy.
Mackintosh Toffee is made in a solid rectangular slab and the packaging is distinctive, with its cute tartan-like design.
"Smack Your Mack" is the famous slogan for this toffee, as many people choose to break it up into smaller bite size pieces by breaking it up.
Or you could be brave with your teeth and bite into it at your own risk! Whichever way you eat it, Mackintosh's Toffee is smooth and sweet, delicately salted and perfectly creamy!
2. Eat More Chocolate Bar
Who does not want to be told to eat more? This candy bar is made of robust dark toffee, roasted peanuts and chocolate. It is an exemplary combination of a chewy and firm texture.
Eat-More's are a retro bar that certainly hits the spot when you're hungry. Filling and satisfying, the Canadian Eat-More bar is one of a kind – you will not find a duplicate anywhere else except for in Canada!
3. Big Turk
Big Turk Chocolate Bars are exclusive to Canada and certainly exclusive to certain taste buds! Some say it is a required taste, but for sure Big Turk bars are unique and do offer big flavour! The middle of Big Turk bars are filled with a nice solid piece of "Turkish delight" – a specialty confection based on a gel of starch and sweet, sweet sugar.
A kind of gummy like textured candy, with a pretty sort of reddish-purple like hue, the outside is completely covered in a nice thick layer of rippled milk chocolate. Some people say it reminds them of chocolate covered red licorice, but at Candy Funhouse we disagree! The inside reminds us more of an Allan's BigFoot sort of taste. Big Turks are certainly distinctive, yet also luring for the calorie counting candy lovers, as these bars have 60% less fat than the average chocolate candy bar! Hurray for the sweet-lover's diet!
4.Maynards Wine Gums
An Old Fashioned candy that is very popular in Canada. Wine gums could be compared to gumdrops but without the sugary coating. Despite what the name implies, sorry to disappoint you, Maynards Wine Gums contain no wine! Although their flavour is meant to mock the taste of a fine red wine or a port. Once you've had a wine gum you will never forget their intense, smooth taste. They are not comparable to other gummy-like candies, they are chewy, but not sticky or stretchy. Maynards Wine Gums have been around since 1896. A very Old Fashioned Candy that deserves to be savoured.
5.Aero Bar
Bubbly, smooth, and melt in your mouth milk chocolate! A retro chocolate bar that Canadians have been eating since the 1970's. At some point in the 1980's it was introduced in the United States but it failed to deliver the "wow" factor that Canadians love about Aero Chocolate Bars. I guess they didn't appreciate the bubbles like we do! Aero Chocolate Bars are a pleasure to indulge in, one of the many perks of being Canadian, eh?
6.Coffee Crisp
If they ask you here "how do you like your coffee?" we just might say CRISP! Coffee Crisp Chocolate Candy Bars are a part of our Canadian heritage. Canadians have been enjoying this "nice light snack" Chocolate Bar since 1939! With its light and crispy wafers sandwiching a coffee favoured type filling that alternates between thin layers of chocolate, then completely covered in milk chocolate. You just can't go wrong! So yes, as proud Canadians, we like our coffee "crisp"!
Americans may think they have Smarties, but we know those are really called "Rockets" here in Canada. We have the real ones! And our Smarties include chocolate! Our Smarties are are the most vividly colourful candy coated bits of milk chocolate! They are a staple, found down every Canadian Candy aisle. Smarties are a Retro Canadian Candy and as any good Canadian would tell you, we do eat the red ones last!
8. Thrills Gum
Thrills Gum were originally manufactured in London, Ontario by the O Pee Chee Company before being bought out by Nestles in the early 1980's. A beautiful purple gum that as strange as it may sound, is known for its sweet, soap-like flavour, Thrills Gum is sort of an odd required taste. You are either a fan or not, there is no middle of the road with this gum! It's the addition of rosewater in this gum that gives it such a unique and distinctive taste. Thrills gum even states on the package "it still tastes like soap" – A perfect choice for those of us with colourful language, and a great way to get your thrills!
9. Pal O Mine
We must thank Arthur Ganong for this special Canadian Chocolate Bar.
He was the brainchild behind the making of the first actual wrapped chocolate bar, making him a pure Canadian genius! The Ganong Candy Company started in 1873, making it Canada's oldest candy company, located in St. Stephen's, New Brunswick. Pal-O-Mine is a delicious, old fashioned Canadian chocolate bar made of a rich fudge centre, then smothered in coconut, peanuts and Ganong's premium dark chocolate!
Ganong even has a Chocolate Museum in St. Stephen's. This museum includes hands-on experiences and interactive displays. Visitors are also more than welcome to sample the chocolate! Sounds like a tasty visit!
Maltesers are an Old Fashioned and Nostalgic Candy, dating all the way back to the 1930's! They are delicious balls consisting of a light, slightly crispy, malt honeycomb centre, surrounded with a healthy layer of rich milk chocolate! These could be compared to their almost-American twin, Whoppers. However, our Canadian Maltesers win every time! The balls are bigger and they do boast a much more generous coating of milk chocolate. Maltesers are proudly made by Mars Canada, and are an absolute must-have Canadian Retro Candy!
These are just a few delicious perks of being Canadian, but by all means, some of the sweetest! Check out the extensive Canadian Candy and Canadian Bars selection offered right here at Candy Funhouse... and order yourself some sweet treats to enjoy! You deserve it, right?
Smarties are the BEST!!! I have been buying them for so many years- they are my favorite candy and I have 3 grown up children who are also super smarties fans !!! Yahoo!!! They put smarties in my Christmas stocking every year 😊🤣
I used to buy bags of “Goodies” candy, they $1.99 a bag, now I can not find them anywhere. Where do I get some.. PLEASE rsvp
Been eating big Turks for 45 years and will continue for the next 45 👍🏾
The soap gum though🤤
I totally miss the Cinnamon Danish chocolate bar by Neilson’s
The best candy ever
Honestly I love love every single one of those scrumptious chocolate bars ….except the Pal o min….which I probably would like but haven’t tried yet!! (So lets count it anyway)
I grew up with a chocolate bar on hand every day…and ate at least one every day until my forties….when I realized I needed to stop.
I noticed Cuban Lunch wasn’t included, and I liked that too.
I really wanna try theese i wanna post a vide with the tittle
Angry american trys canadian candy (almost killed me!!!) to youtube lol