Our Sweet Tooth Loves Jawbreakers Candy
Jawbreakers are probably the hardest candy there is. But our sweet tooth loves them! Even if they made our jaws ache incessantly and literally, made us drool out the sides of our mouths and turned our tongues some very pretty colours. But we still want to eat them, and we all still love them. I bet you know this candy quite well, and probably spent most of your youth trying to bite through them.
It's hard to resist those shiny, glossy Jawbreakers Candy. They come in an array of beautiful colours, from brilliant primary colours, to soft pastel colours and even metallic type finishes. Some are solid in colour, and some have that multi-coloured, marble like effect on them, making them even more irresistible to our candy hungry eye. Some of them have a wad of gum in the middle, sort of a reward for getting to the middle. Some are sweet and fruity with some intense mind blowing flavors upon each layer. Some are hot and spicy, and some are everlasting!
It's not until you're at a certain point of the Jawbreakers Candy that one can actually bite through them. In the mean time, a Jawbreaker may take some time before you reach it's center. Possibly a very, very long time. But when you get to that point, yes, it's all worth it. That delicious crunch of finally reaching the middle, or the end, depending on your sweet tooth! Of course this also depends on the size of the Jawbreaker Candy you're eating.
Jawbreakers are an old fashioned candy, or should I say an ancient candy? While the exact origin and history is not well documented, the earliest known Jawbreakers Candy were made in 1839! At the time there were a few, very small candy manufacturers in Europe. By the late 18th century, entrepreneurs from other parts of the world had come up with candy making machinery. One of the most well known companies that produce Jawbreakers Candy is the Ferrara Candy Company. This company had a very big hand in making the Jawbreaker type candies famous.
Did Confetti inspire Jawbreakers Candy?
Before Jawbreakers Candy made their big break (or jaw break) here in North America, a very similar candy was made in Italy. They are called Confetti or Jordan Almonds. They are very hard candies made with panned layers like the Jawbreakers Candy but have almonds or other fillings. Traditionally confetti has anise seed inside. This famous Italian candy dates back to 1487 in ancient Rome. This may be where the idea of Jawbreaker Candy was born.
Over 2 Weeks to make a Jawbreakers Candy
Jawbreakers Candy are made by using a special candy making process called panning.The panning of candy is all started with a single grain of sugar. The grains of sugar are put into large copper pots that are spherical in shape. These pans are then rotated constantly over a gas flame so that the grains of sugar are left to tumble around. With the constant rotation and the addition of liquid sugar over a 14 to 19 day period we will eventually have Jawbreakers Candy! Pretty amazing that it all starts from one single grain of sugar.

Most Jawbreakers Candy are white towards the middle and only the outer layers have colour. When the Jawbreakers Candy are almost finished the colour is then added along with any flavoring to the copper pan. Eventually, after about two weeks or more, when the Jawbreakers have reached their desired size, they are then placed into a polishing pan that continuously rotates. Food grade wax is then added making the polishing process complete. That's how Jawbreakers Candy get their smooth and glossy look.
Layers upon layers of sweetness is what makes these old fashioned candies so hard and challenging to eat. But just because you can't instantly bite them does not mean there not delicious. A Jawbreaker Candy is truly meant to be enjoyed and savored over a long period of time. Especially when you consider that one Jawbreaker Candy can take up to 19 days to make.
How many licks to finish a Jawbreaker?
There are actual scientific articles on Jawbreakers Candy that measure how many licks it takes to finish one. According to one study, the average amount of licks to finish the average sized Jawbreaker Candy is one thousand licks! So how many licks would it take to finish a Gigantic Jawbreakers Candy Lollipop? Any volunteers to try that experiment? Candy Funhouse will supply the Jawbreaker!
Isn't it funny that despite the extreme hardness of a Jawbreakers Candy, we still love to enjoy them. It must be the lure of all those intense, long lasting and sometimes extraordinary flavours. All for the love of the old fashioned Jawbreaker!

As a kid I remember taking them out of my mouth from time to time just to see what colour I was on. I don't think I'm alone on that one but maybe the only one to admit it. I guess all those layers can peak our curiosity. There is always a fascination with Jawbreakers Candy. All those beautiful and colourful layers on the inside make this a pretty cool candy!
Hats off to this old fashioned candy, the Jawbreaker! From it's start as a tiny grain of sugar, to the shiny, glossy, and beautifully coloured candy that it becomes. Jawbreakers Candy are truly meant to satisfy our sweet tooth. No matter how many licks or how many days they might take. But who's counting anyways?

Have you ever tried to count the licks? Tell us about your Jawbreakers Candy experience. We'd love to know!
I love Jawbreakers’! The sweet taste (and flavor of the green ones especially) brings precious thoughts. Thanks for creating this article, as now I know to enjoy these works of art.
I am going to do a jaw breaker experiment to see how many licks it takes
I’m working on right now actually, lol. Been sucking on it for 3 days. It kinda burns my tongue tho