Hip Hop Candyfest Interviews Pt.3

Residence for young people


In part 3 of the Hip Hop Candyfest Interviews we conclude our investigations of the positive effects Argus Residence has had on homeless youths in our community, as well as how music has played an integral role in their lives.

“Argus has helped me accomplish a lot of important things.  They have helped me budget, respect myself, plan for my future and the staff are great to talk to about anything.”

“They have given me a lot.  The biggest has to be the time that they allowed me to get on a good path to get to where I want to be.”

“They have been great at providing support on many occasions with medications and other needs.”

“Argus has showed me a lot of love and care.  The staff has treated me with the utmost respect.  Argus has opened my eyes and just being here makes me want to pursue a career in Social Services.”


Could you describe your life in a few sentences?

There were some mixed feelings when answering this question. Although many of the responses we got were very positive, there were some instances where talking about it and visiting that past was very hard for some.

“To describe my life in a few sentences would be very self-confronting.”

“Hardships, emotional and anger….very hard life you know.”

“Heartbreak.  Some happy moments….depression and anxiety”

“Sad, disappointed, not trusting and lonely...”

Despite the emotionally trying times many of these youths have endured, a common theme is found in all their stories when they talk about how music has affected their lives. It seems as though music serves as a therapeutic release when nothing else works, and as a result leads them to pursue it more.


If there is one thing you’d want people to know about you what would it be?

If there's one thing that we know for sure it's that as a result of their difficult life experiences, they have been shaped into the people that they are today. As a result they are emotionally resilient, uniquely creative due to their experiences, and “life smart” – no matter what they are going through.

“I am very good with computers and have a good work ethic.”

“Writing and magic cards are my hobbies.”

 “Just because I seem happy doesn’t mean that I am.”

“I’m suffering from major anxiety and depression but I am working on this.”


Has music made a positive difference in your life? And if so How?

“Yes, music has always been a positive influence in my life, and I can relate to music and even get lost in a song.”

“I love music.”

“Motivation seems to be the best answer, especially between classical guitar and metal music when played very peacefully.”


After having conducted these interviews I think it is safe to say that no matter what you are going through, the right music can always be a helpful companion. These young people serve as an inspiration and testimony to this, and with the help of Argus, Candy Funhouse and Hip Hop CandyFest, we hope to bring this refreshing perspective to the community.

Hip Hop Candyfest

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