Haribo Soft Dropjes Black Licorice Jelly Drops - 175g

Regular price $4.99 CAD

Enjoy black licorice goodness with Haribo! 

Introducing Haribo Soft Dropjes Black Licorice Jelly Drops, the ultimate treat for licorice lovers everywhere! These delightful jelly drops from Haribo are bursting with a rich, intense black licorice flavour that will have your taste buds soaring with delight! 

Whether you enjoy them as a sweet snack on the go or savour them as a decadent treat at home, Haribo Soft Dropjes Black Licorice Jelly Drops are sure to satisfy your cravings for that classic licorice candy taste. So, grab a handful of these delicious drops and experience the pure joy of Haribo in every bite!

175g (6.2oz)

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